Monday, May 7, 2012

CMC you Should Know for 9th May

You Should Know CMC mini test HKI Weds 9th May • What renewable, non-renewable and potentially renewable RESOURCES are 133 • Uses of water 134 • How soil is used and the problems it causes 136,137 • What renewable and non-renewable ENERGY resources are 140 • Some examples of renewable and non-renwable energy resources and how they work 140, 141, 142 • How ozone is formed, how the ozone layer is useful to us, how CFCs destroy ozone, what has been done to decrease the use of CFCs 144, 145 • What desertification is, the difference between desertification and desertisation 147 • Causes of desertification 147 • The problems that global warming cause 152, 153

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