Friday, February 24, 2012

Spanish Health Care System

The Spanish Healthcare System

 Main (public) healthcare system is funded through tax dollars and government funds.

 Private sector is funded through private investment and payment.

 Patient payment for services is covered by the Spanish healthcare system.

 There is no out-of-pocket cost for the patient.

 Patient receives services and healthcare after proving that they are a Spanish citizen or permanent residence.
 100% of Spanish citizens are covered.

 Non-nationals who contribute to the Social Security Network and their family members are also covered by public healthcare.

 Immigrants who are not citizens of the EU but are registered residents can obtain private healthcare.
 Illegal immigrants have the right to emergency care and mother and child attendance.
Influence of Socioeconomic Status
 Economic status does not effect Spanish access to healthcare.

 A Spanish citizen can receive care whether or not they are contributing to Social Security.

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