Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Crocodile Physics

1. Open Crocodile Physics
Start, Secondary, Science, Physics, Crocodile Physics

2. Watch the tutorial on how to use Crocodile Physics here Crocodile Physics Tutorial

3. Complete the worksheet Investigating Series Circuits using Crocodile Physics, take screenshots of your circuits and print them later

4. Investigate how brightness of bulbs is affected by adding more bulbs in parallel, produce a document in Word to show how you did it with a conclusion

5. Investigate how voltage is affected when adding more bulbs in parallel, produce a document in Word to show how you did it with a conclusion

To save a screenshot press Print Screen, in Word paste it, use the Picture toolbar to chop it, format it to ´tight´so it doesn't jump around the screen

Voltage in Parallel Investigation Help

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