Friday, November 25, 2011

Year 12 Evolution Project

Suggested projects for CMC Human Evolution

1. Bipedalism and human evolution. When? Why?
2. Increase in brain capacity. When Why?
3. Out of Africa: What happened to Homo erectus?
4. Out of Africa. What happened to Homo sapiens?
5. Where did the Neanderthals go?
6. How does Homo antecessor from Atapuerca fit in to the story?
7. What did Australopithecus and Homo species eat? When did hominids discover fire?
8. When did tools appear, how did they change?
9. What are the differences between Australopithecus and Homo? Discuss the main fossils.
10. How good is the fossil evidence for human evolution? Discuss the problems.
11. Trace the path of Homo sapiens to Spain. Where did your ancestors come from?
12. How can we trace the past migrations of humans over the World? What biochemical methods are used?
13. How did humans reach Australia so quickly after leaving Africa?
14. Why are all humans on Earth today so closely related genetically? Why is the most variation found in Africa?

Make a presentation of some kind about one of the above projects.
Marks will be awarded for:
• Presentation
• Scientific content
• Originality

You can do this in a variety of ways for example:
• make a poster
• do a PowerPoint presentation
• make a video
• a combination of the above
• do something more original

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