Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10TSA Biology Friday 21st October 2010


We are going to analyse some results from an amylase experiment like the one you planned. On page 6 of your text books are the results. Underneath it is explained how to calculate rate of reaction
Calculate the rate of reaction for each temperature and make a new table. Draw a graph

You have this lesson, next lesson on Monday 24th in IT to finish the investigation. Hand in Weds 26th October.
Must include
1. Plan (top marks include valid, reliable, variables)
2. Table with rates of reaction
3. Graph (x=temp, y=rate of reaction)
4. Analysis - describe the shape of your graph
5. Conclusion - Describe the scientific reasons for the shape of your graph - Describe why the graph might be like the ones in the text books eg. Fig 1.6 page 5, and how could the text book improve the experiment to get more reliable results

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