Friday, May 6, 2011

CMC In Class Test May 2011

CMC In Class Test May 2011
You Should Know
• What a renewable, non-renewable and potentially renewable resource are 133
• How the problem of the depleting ozone layer has been tackled 145
• How to draw a diagram of the carbon cycle Use the internet to find a nice one or page 151
• What photochemical smog is 144
• What the greenhouse effect is and gases involved 152
• What global warming is and how it is impacting on the planet 152, 253
• Which type of natural disaster claims the most victims and why 164 - 169
• Some non-renewable and renewable energy resources and how they work 140, 141,
• The impact of using non-renewable resources Whole chapter, look for it!
• How agriculture affects fresh water and land 134, 135, 136, 137
• What biodiversity is and how it is being threatened 148, 149

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