Thursday, May 26, 2011

Alcohol Worksheet

Alcohol Worksheet

1. What is the definition of addiction?

2. Define drug.

3. Define Prescriptions

4. Why is alcohol considered a drug?

5. Define intoxication.

6. Define hangover

CLICK ON THE READING LINK ( Alchol is a Drug) to answer the following.

7. What type of drug is alcohol?

8. What effect does alcohol have on the body?

9. Do a can of beer; glass of wine, and a shot of liquor all have the same amount of alcohol?

10. What is BAC a measure of?

11. What is 1 unit of alcohol? How long does it take the liver to process 1 unit of alcohol?

Effects of Alcohol on the body

12. Explain how alcohol effects;

a. The brain

b. The Liver

c. Body temperature

d. Pregnant women

e. Hydration

Factors that influence Alcohol’s effects

13. Explain the factors that determine the effect alcohol has.

a. Speed

b. Food

c. Body weight

d. Mood

e. Gender

Women and alcohol

14. Why do women tend to be affected more by the same amount of alcohol than men?

15. List one reason why the effects of drinking are less predictable for women.

The Dangers of Binge Drinking

16. What is alcohol poisoning?

17. List the symptoms of alcohol poising.


a. Find a BAC Table and the Percentage and Effects chart, answer the following.

b. Find your body weight on the Blood Alcohol Concentration Table, (the top chart is for women, the bottom is for men). Follow do to see what the BAC would be for someone your size who has consumed 3 drinks in one hour. Record that number below.

c. Now go to the BAC percentage and effects chart to see what effects that amount of alcohol would have on the body. Record the effects of that percent of BAC below.

d. BAC %___________

e. Effects of this % BAC

19. What are the effects on the body of addiction to alcohol?

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