Task 1
You are an electrician and you have been asked to install a light in a kitchen that has two doors. You need to make a circuit where the light can be turned off by each door.
They should work separately so that either switch can will turn the light on and off.
To gain marks you must (Levels 4 and 5)
Draw a circuit diagram and describe how the circuit works
Labelled the parts of the circuit and describe what they do
Three Way Switch Demo
Task 2
Now you need to make a circuit for the house that has a light in each room. There are 5 rooms in total. Each light must be able to be turned on and off independently of each other.
To gain marks you must (Levels 4 and 5)
Choose a good way to present the data
Described the process that make circuits work using correct terms eg. current, energy
Correctly draw circuit symbols and circuit diagrams
Task 3
You are going to create your own model for electricity. It can take any form you like but remember to label what each bit stands for (see diagram). Think about the train idea on page 141 of your books and the model Miss. Kitchen did with the sweets Once you have designed your model, write a paragraph to explain what would happen if you
a) added a switch
b) added another battery
c) added another bulb
d) made it into a parallel circuit
You will gain the best marks if you use your model to explain how a proper electrical circuit would work
To gain marks you could
Level 4 – Drawn a model based on the example. Some detail included in the written explanation.
Level 5 – Come up with your own model that is clearly labelled and well explained.
Level 6 – Designed an original model that is clearly labelled. Explain how the model is like an electrical circuit. Use of the terms such as voltage and current.
To get more marks you could then....
Once you have designed your model, write a paragraph to explain what would happen if you
a) added a switch
b) added another battery
c) added another bulb
d) made it into a parallel circuit
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